This one’s pretty silly, but I decided I would try to use my little potato mini PC as a Samba host. And, it turns out, in the many years since I’ve configured Samba, so I forgot almost everything… and there’s some new stuff, too.

These instructions were only tested on my computer, which is currently running Ubuntu 22.04. May or may not work for you!

Setting up filesystem permissions correctly

Create a new user and group for Samba guest permissions

sudo adduser --system --no-create-home smbuser
sudo groupadd editors
sudo usermod -a -G editors smbuser

Create a folder (I used /mnt/public) and make it owned by the group, with the sticky bit set.

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/public
sudo chgrp editors /mnt/public
sudo chmod 2770 /mnt/public

This makes it so that all new subdirectories of /mnt/public are also group-owned by editors.

Set the Samba share configuration

On my computer it lives in /etc/samba/smb.conf

  comment = public anonymous access
  path = /mnt/public
  browsable = yes
  create mask = 0660
  directory mask = 0771
  writable = yes
  read only = no
  guest ok = yes
  public = yes
  force user = smbuser

Note the force user = smbuser, which will set all users to use the smbuser local user. If we want to do actual local auth, we’d need to add users with smbpasswd -a to create their Samba passwords.

Install WSDD

This is a new one, but apparently Windows 10+ doesn’t use NetBIOS anymore. Pretty easy, though.

sudo apt install wsdd

This makes it so that Windows 10 and 11 devices actually see potato in their network listing.

Source: DevAnswers